There is a growing need for smarter and more sustainable city planning. GPR enables data-driven decisions for public spaces to ensure health & safety, cost effectiveness and damage control.
Infrastructure maintenance is a high priority task for ensuring public safety - roads and bridges are under constant strain from heavy traffic, weather conditions and subsurface processes.
Environmental sciences are expanding their toolset for data gathering. Radar technologies are indispensible for every scientist studying our environment. GPR can detect minute changes in a material structure so it is a perfect tool for exploring natural phenomena.
From classical archaeology to industrial archaeology to hobbyist surveys in your backyard, GPR offers high resolutions at great penetration depths for object detection. The non-destructive nature of the technology ensures no damage is done to fragile relics safeguarding our cultural heritage.
Law-enforcement and rescue services can benefit greatly from the UWB radar technology - its form factors and non-destructive methods of obtaining information about objects may prove vital for investigators. The technology can detect all kinds of objects including tunnels, buried weapons or victims.
Mining is a high-impact industry that has effects on the environment, local communities, workers and the economy. That is why it is important mine sites are well researched and decisions about drilling are data-driven. GPR can be the enabling factor in sustainable mining practices.
Construction managers can benefit from GPR to ensure project expenditure optimization, their team's safety and the structural integrity of their constructions. Refurbishing old buildings and real-estate repairs where features in walls and flooring are unknown are a perfect use case for wall penetrating radars. Utility installations such as wires or fiber optic cables can now be carried out safely and cost efficiently.
Ultra-Wideband radars have a very high dynamic range and can detect movements as subtle as breathing patterns. Although called ground radars or georadars, the technology is very sensitive in air as well and can find a variety of novel applications. We encourage such novel uses of the technology and are happy to collaborate with you in the development of such products.